White Clay Creek State Park History, Information & Events
Currently, the Nature Center at White Clay Creek State Park is located in the Chambers House which is approximately 200 years old. The Chambers House has a rich history including how it and the adjoining 508 acres came to be protected public land.
The legislature has already allocated significant funding for the construction of a new Nature Center but MORE is needed to complete the project. We must BUILD ENOUGH SPACE FOR THE FUTURE and not shrink the project and jeopardize this unique opportunity to serve future generations. Don’t shortchange mother NATURE.
Please let our local legislators know that the requested floor space for the Nature Center must be retained. Email your representative today.
Frank Burns
Michael Smith
David Sokola
Mora Gorman
Edward Osienski
John Walsh
Additional Reading
History of White Clay Creek State Park
From the first purchase of 24 acres in 1968 to about 3,600 acres today, its history is intertwined with early farmers and millers, the duPont family, and a prominent judge.
Buildings of White Clay Creek State Park
Curious about the buildings and structures you see throughout the park? From barns to ruins to an old pump house – here’s what we know.
The Railroads of Landenberg
It was 12:05 on October 19, 1872 when the first train on the Wilmington and Western Railroad reached its final destination in the village of Landenberg after passing through the White Clay Creek Valley.